Beschleunigen Sie Ihr PPC-Wachstum auf die intelligentere Art

Bezahlte Suchautomatisierung für Google und Microsoft Ads, die Ihre Conversions und Erträge in kürzerer Zeit und bei geringeren Ausgaben steigert.

Bringen Sie Ihre PPC-Automatisierung auf die nächste Stufe

Adalysis bietet Automatisierungsstrategien und Tools, die Sie bei allen Aspekten der Verwaltung Ihrer PPC-Konten unterstützen


Noch nie war es so einfach, datengesteuert zu arbeiten, denn Sie haben eine Vielzahl von Analysen zur Hand.


Nutzen Sie mehr als 40 leistungsstarke Tools, die halten, was sie versprechen


Erledigen Sie mehr in weniger Zeit mit unseren preisgekrönten Automatisierungsstrategien.


Verschaffen Sie sich Gewissheit, indem Sie sich mit über 50 automatisierten täglichen Audits über Ihr Konto auf dem Laufenden halten.

Ausgezeichnet von Branchenführern aus aller Welt

Beste Suchtechnologie des Jahres / 2018

Bestes spezialisiertes SEA-Werkzeug / 2018

Beste PPC Management Software Suite / 2017

Beste PPC Management Software Suite / 2016

Steigern Sie Ihre Produktivität und erreichen Sie Ihre Ziele innerhalb von Tagen, nicht von Wochen

Gebotsvorschläge und -verfolgung für alle Segmente, auf die Sie bieten können

Budgetprognose, Empfehlungen zu Tempo und Feinabstimmung

Analyse des Qualitätsfaktors auf allen Ebenen und Unterfaktoren

Werbetests und mehrdimensionale Anzeigenanalyse auf Autopilot

Leistungsanomalien und Benachrichtigungen über unerwartetes Verhalten

Engpässe bei den Kampagneneinstellungen aufgedeckt, um mehr Conversions zu erzielen

Schlüsselwörter und Suchbegriffe (einschließlich N-Gramme) durch Lupen analysiert

Ausschlüsse von Anzeigenplatzierungen und Targeting viel einfacher gemacht

Kostenlose Testversion starten

Alles, was Sie sich jemals für Ihren PPC-Erfolg gewünscht haben

Für Agenturen für digitales Marketing

Adalysis hebt die Aufgaben für jedes Ihrer Kundenkonten hervor und priorisiert sie, sodass Sie sich auf die Skalierung Ihres Geschäfts konzentrieren können.

Für PPC-Vermarkter

PPC-Teams schätzen unsere datengestützten Einblicke und Automatisierungsmöglichkeiten. Sie haben mehr Zeit für strategische und kreative Aufgaben, während Adalysis sich um die Routine kümmert.

Sehen Sie selbst, was andere
PPC-Vermarkter an Adalysis lieben

Tausende von zufriedenen PPC-Vermarktern aus aller Welt vertrauen auf uns

4.7 / 5
4.6 / 5
4.6 / 5

Hier ist, was sie über uns sagen

Steve Clark, Paid Media Specialist

201-500 employees

I love everything about this tool. It's literally a needle in a haystack. I almost don't want to write this review because it can give a competitive edge to other agencies. I love the audit tool, the budget pacing, bidding tool, and the most essential - the A/B testing functionality.

Roy F, Director of Paid Media

51-200 employees

My team and I becoming a big fan over 6-12 months of using it. We had couple of training sessions and Adalysis support team is always engaging. When we have new enhancement ideas, they are very fast to implement. Dashboard view makes both managers like myself and hands on specialists' life 10 times more easy in identifying problems, seeing trends. The data visualization and action buttons in each call out improves our team's efficiency and ultimately improve client ad account value.

Ana F, Digital Marketing Specialist

11-50 employees

I've been using Adalysis for my PPC management needs during the free trial and we're going to buy an annual plan. This tool is an absolute game-changer for anyone working in the world of digital advertising. I found it useful in budget management and pacing control, daily audits and insightful reports.

Charels H, Paid Media Specialist

201-500 employees

I really like all of the detailed and well thought out suggestions given to the user to better manage their campaigns based on analyzed data. I also like how you can create custom alerts along with the standard ones.

Justin L, PPC Specialist

51-200 employees

Adalysis is fast and intuitive to onboard and has a robust set of features that simpliies ad management at a high level but also allows you to make in depth modiications with data driven insights. My team tested Adalysis with the trial and we are in the process of making it our primary worklow tool.

Steve C, Digital Marketing Manager

2-10 employees

The functionality in Adalysis is extremely useful, especially the custom alerts for performance. We no longer get caught by surprise when unexpected issues arise. It's a life saver for us. We love many other features as well including the target budget tracker, ad testing and the bid adjustments map. Now that we're used to Adalysis, it'll be very difficult for us to manage our accounts without it!

Oliver D, Account Executive

51-200 employees

Allowed us to replace spreadsheet-based insight reporting, and greatly speed up account audits, bidding modiications and ad analysis and testing. The Looker Studio are well done. Adalysis easily beats every other platform in this range.

Sky R, Digital Marketing Director

11-50 employees

I love the negative keyword conlict function. I use this on all new accounts. We have very large clients and very large negative lists. Adalysis makes it so easy to find and delete negative keywords. We monitor budget and keywords mostly with Adalysis. This makes changing and ixing our large accounts very quick in bulk. I highly recommend Adalysis.

Katie W, Search Specialist

51-200 employees

I love this tool and the ease in which I can make optimizations across Google & Bing. We've used this in QBRs, Audits and every day optimizations. Love having these capabilities at my ingertips.

Jango V, Online Advertising Consultant

11-50 employees

In our marketing agency, Adalysis is part of the day-to-day optimization of all our Google Ads Search accounts that we run for our customers. It's fully integrated in our way of work, I can't imagine not having Adalysis anymore.

Liliana A, PPC Results Specialist

2-10 employees

This should be a tool every agency/ PPC specialist must use.

Erik G, Head of Analytics & Digital Marketing

11-50 employees

The ease of optimising the accounts where you get the biggest impact. Adalysis help us prioritise where to focus our attention so we can keep on delivering fantastic results year over year and month over month. We keep growing our clients' businesses every year and Adalysis is a big part of doing that through Google Ads.

Jason P, Sr. Manager of Global Paid Marketing

1001-5000 employees

We have in very large amount of ads running and we are able to quickly and successfully change out the losing ads for new ads. This has allowed us to greatly increase the ROAS we were initially seeing.

Mallory R, Senior Paid Advertising Specialist

201-500 employees

What I have come to ind is that a number of the account auditing tools and features have been extremely beneicial (negative keyword conlicts, audience performance etc.). We have a very complex account 24,000+ keywords and 10,000+ ad groups so Adalysis makes sure everything is set up properly.

Robert B, Founder

2-10 employees

This software has the smoothest onboarding process I've ever experienced. Very easy to use and understand. Great documentation and tutorials for using the various product features. Constantly being updated to increase the functionality. While it was initially an ad testing tool, it's now evolved into a very robust software package that aids management/optimization, alerts you to potential issues or performance variations, and is easy enough for even junior practitioners to use.

Wertschaffung seit 2013

2 Milliarden

Verwaltete jährliche Ausgaben

62 Millionen

Optimierungsmöglichkeiten genutzt

56 Millionen

A/B-Anzeigentests abgeschlossen

Schließen Sie sich 2.000+ wachsenden Unternehmen an, die Adalysis für die Verwaltung ihrer PPC-Kampagnen verwenden

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