It’s now easy to find your best headline 1 and headline 2 combinations for your PPC account. We’ve launched a heatmap feature that can automatically show you how the combinations of your headlines are performing.
For example; in this screenshot we see:
For each block, you can see:
This data will make it easy to spot winning and losing combinations. You can then use one of the bulk ad creation tools to quickly create more ads using that combination or easily pause the worse combinations by filtering your ads using the contain or doesn’t contain options.
To create your heatmaps; first go to the multi-ad group testing screen and click on the Ad headlines heatmap… button.
Then you can select:
By default, we’ll display the top 5 headline 1 and headline 2s (by clicks) and their combinations. However, using the “advanced options”, you can write your own combinations and even use wildcards in determining the patterns to be included in the heatmap.
We hope you enjoy the new feature -:) It should make finding your best combinations much easier for your Google Ads accounts.