Join us for an In-Depth Webinar on Quality Score

By Brad


Quality Score, Webinars


We’re joining the Acquisio team for an in-depth look at Quality Score that’s open to anyone on June 2nd.

There’s a few topics we’ll cover in the webinar.

Quality Score Importance

Quality Score is one of the most important and least important numbers in your AdWords account at the same time.

  • When its bad, it is a very important number.
  • When its good, you can ignore it for the most part and only focus on specific areas where it can be improved.

It can be difficult to find out if its good or bad or where the areas of opportunity lie. We’ll go over how to uncover areas of opportunity.

Quality Score Improvement

There are a lot of myths about quality score from how much you actually save in increasing your quality score to what the factors really are that matter.

In the webinar we’ll go through some of the ‘price discounting’ myths surrounding Quality Score and show you what actually happens as your quality score goes up and down.

Quality Score Factors

Quality score is made up of a few factors, and each one seems a bit convoluted (what is relevance?). We’ll go through the factors, their importance, and what they really mean.

New Data Insights

We recently added many quality score graphs and data to Adalysis. This has lead us to uncover some new data that we’ll reveal in the webinar.

Join Us

If you’d like to learn more about quality score, how its created, and how to improve it, please join us for the webinar.

Update: Recording now online

The recorded webinar is now online and available to be viewed here.

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  • Mark

    Hi Brad,

    Great webinar with Acquisio the other day. I am an Adalysis and Acquision user. I have a question for you on the correlation between keywords and landing page experience.

    In my account each ad group has it’s own landing page. Now all these landing pages have the same structure, design and principles. The content will of course slight vary depending on the ad group/keywords. The issue that drives me crazy is that for certain ad groups I have ‘below average’ experience while other pages have ‘above average’ experience. Besides using other keywords on the page and some slight variance in presentation, they are the same pages.

    If we look at these ad groups with below average landing page experience, I have situations where most of the keywords have above average expected CTR and above average ad relevance. I’ve been going through these pages with Google Support and in the end they could not help me. All their suggestions were already implemented. In the end they said it must have to do something with having these keywords on my general website as well. It felt like they didn’t really know either, because I have those keywords on my website.

    I’ve done some analysis myself and I’m getting the idea that certain words in my keywords generate a good landing page experience, where others seem to cause below average experience. Examples:
    – the word ‘software’ generates good landing page experience
    – the words ‘tool’, ‘online’ and ‘planning’ tend to cause below average, especially if it’s only a two-word keyword phrase
    – using a verb without ‘software’ tends to cause below average experience

    So my question is: does Goolge rate landing page experience based on words. Just like the heatmap for ad relevance, is there also a heatmap mechanism for landing pages?


    • Brad

      Hi Mark,

      What a great question 🙂

      It does seem that Google uses a combination of items for landing pages:
      – all the stuff on their help files (privacy policy, navigation, etc)
      – the general supporting words, like the heatmap for ads (but I don’t think its quite as specific, I think its more about ‘supporting words’ like you’d see in organic)
      – Long click (bounce rates)

      One of the first things to do is take a look at your bounce rates segmented by device for your good and your poor pages and see if there’s a direct correlation. I’ll sometimes find that the bounce rate on mobile devices for poor pages is high and on good pages is low, and on desktops its the same. That’s an indication that its really just the mobile bounce rate that’s causing the problem.

      Another thing you can do is to take a look at your average position/cpcs by device type and see if there’s a huge difference. The hardest part of QS is that Google keeps it segmented by device but never gives you a direct indication that there’s a device issue and not an overall QS issue.

      Just remember, there is not good or bad bounce rate (; it depends on the site type (lead gen is higher than ecommerce) and it’s relativity to others. So look for trends between good and bad pages; but not absolute numbers.

      Hope that helps 🙂

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