We have two new features to tell you about today: Ad Rules and viewing disapproved ads.
We’ve launched ad rules in Adalysis so you can automatically enable and pause ads. These rules are independent of any rules you have set in AdWords; however, we also support this in Bing (Bing does not support ad rules).
It is now easy to create and manage your ad rules within Adalysis.
We all end up with disapproved ads on occasion; but its nice to easily filter and see them within Adalysis where you can easily manage your ads. You can now easily filter ads by a disapproved status and if you hover over the conversation icon; you’ll see the reason for the disapproval.
We have some exciting announcements coming soon around call only ads and some new multi-ad group testing features. Stay tuned for how you can be even more explicit in your ad testing no matter if its within an ad group or across thousands of ad groups.