Quality Score Analysis and Tools

We’ve built custom algorithms to automate your quality score analysis and diagnostic process, and highlight problems and historical trends, to help you take informed optimization decisions.

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Quality Score Dashboard Summary

The dashboard allows you to analyze quality score information,at multiple levels,
split by metrics, to help you improve your account performances.

Quality Score At All Levels

Our algorithms calculate an impression-weighted quality score at all levels: account, campaign and adgroup, so you can understand faster where your account needs improvements.

Quality Score By Metrics

The dashboard shows you and aggregated view of the quality score in relation to your account metrics, to help you make data driven decisions to improve your account.

Quality Score Tools

With a more detailed view of your Quality Score performances, you can focus
your time to improve your account faster.

Quality Score At All Levels

For a better analysis of your account, we built an impression weighted quality score for your account, campaigns and adgroups.

Quality Score Priority

From analyzing your quality score we build an improvements priority list, to help you spend your time on the important things first.

Quality Score History

The history chart helps you understand and track how your optimization changes impact your quality score over time, so you can maximize your account performances.

How Easy It Is To Grow Your Accounts With Our Tools?

Find out with a Free 14 Day Trial!
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Adalysis Quick Demo

This is a quick overview of the Adalysis platform to help you understand the benefits you
will get with a 14 days free trial using our tools, insights and testing.

40+ Automatic Checks
Saving hours of manual analysis
A/B & Pattern Testing Tools
Performance driven optimization
20+ Management Tools
Smarter and faster bulk tasks
Customizable Templates Reports
Live and Interactive Reporting

How well is your account performing?

Find out, in minutes, what your account score is with our FREE audit report.

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