Our team reverse-engineered the Google Ads quality score factors and discovered the formula
Google uses to rate the keywords you use in your PPC campaigns.
The formula used to calculate the visible keyword quality score is based on these weightings of the above factors:
We’ve built custom algorithms to automate your quality score analysis process, highlight issues and historical trends, All to help you take informed decisions about optimization.
Start your free trialThe dashboard helps you to analyze quality score information
and improve your account performances.
See all your quality score data in one place. Our algorithms calculate impression-weighted quality scores at the account and ad group level, so you can see faster where your account needs improvements.
Compare quality scores to key metrics, to see where best to invest your time. You can also dig deeper into each quality score sub-factor.
With a more detailed view of your quality score performance, you can
improve your account faster.
Get a personalized priority list, based on impression-weighted ad group scores, so that you can always focus on the important things first.
Track weekly changes and historical data to see the impact of your work. Clear visualizations and a full history let you plan your next campaign moves.
Get a quick introduction to Adalysis with our video demo or schedule an expert-led demo.