The Top 10 Google Ads Conversion Tracking Mistakes

July 28, 2021 Brad General, PPC management

Tracking conversions is an essential part of PPC management so that you make data-driven decisions about your account. The deeper you dig into the conversion tracking setup, the more common it is to see mistakes. Many companies regularly audit their search terms, keywords, and ad tests, however, they don’t always audit their conversion settings. When […]

Working with Google’s Broad Match Modifier & Phrase Match Changes

February 5, 2021 Brad General, Google ads insights, PPC management

Google announced they will be sunsetting broad match modifier and changing phrase match to work like the old broad match modifier. These changes should be rolled out by July 2021, and then, you will no longer be able to create broad match modifier terms. That means your old phrase match terms will expand to show […]

performance analyzer

KPI Monitoring & Diagnosis: Why did your conversions and conversion rate change?

February 25, 2020 Brad General, Performance Analyzer

In our continuing series on KPI Monitoring & Diagnosis, today, we’re going to dig into investigating changes to your conversions. When you see large conversion changes, it can be a great day (when they are trending upwards) or a tough day full of analysis and changes (when they are going down). As a reminder, this […]

KPI Monitoring & Diagnosis: Why Does your CPC and Cost Change?

January 13, 2020 Brad General, Performance Analyzer

In our continuing series on KPI Monitoring & Diagnosis, today we’re going to dig into investigating changes to your cost per click, which is either very easy to examine or complicated as the factors that can affect CPC can be a bit varied depending on the changes you have made, and your competitors have changed. […]

Join us for a Webinar Examining Search Term Management in the New Match Type World

November 20, 2019 Brad General, Search terms

Last year, Google changed how exact match works, and you needed to adjust how you examined exact match search terms and their management. Earlier this year, Google changed both phrase match and modified broad match. Some people are getting OK results. Others have seen significant increases in CPAs or decreases in ROAS. For example, in […]

Analyze Your Google Ads Audience Data with this Free Data Studio Template

October 15, 2019 Brad General, Reporting

Analyzing your audience data within Google Ads can be difficult, especially as it crosses over campaigns and ad groups. To make this data easier to visualize and understand, we’ve created a free Google Data Studio report that makes it easier to visualize your audience data. The report consists of eight pages: Audience overview All audience […]

KPI Monitoring & Diagnosis: Why Does Your CTR Change Over Time?

October 8, 2019 Brad General, Performance Analyzer

In our continuing series on KPI Monitoring & Diagnosis, today we’re going to dig into examining changes to click through rate (CTR), which is one of the more complicated changes as there are so many factors that might be involved. As a reminder, this data doesn’t exist in a vacuum. It’s easiest to see this […]

The Free Google Data Studio Performance Analyzer Template has been Updated with New Information

October 1, 2019 Brad General, Performance Analyzer, Reporting

We’ve updated the Google Data Studio template that we use for the Performance Analyzer KPI monitoring series with several new features. If you’re not familiar with this template, it’s the easiest way to tell data driven PPC stories by just glancing at a metric comparison. The New Features Top & Absolute Top Impression Share As […]

How to Work with the Latest Google Ads Match Type Changes

September 24, 2019 Brad General, Keywords, PPC management, Search terms

Google recently changed how phrase and modified broad match types work. Here are the new definitions: Phrase match:  Matches of the phrase (or close variations of the phrase) with additional words before or after. Close variations include terms with the same meaning. Modified broad:  All the terms designated with a + sign (or close variations […]

KPI Monitoring & Diagnosis: Why Does the Number of Clicks You Receive Change Over Time?

September 10, 2019 Brad General, Performance Analyzer

In our continuing series on KPI Monitoring & Diagnosis, today we’re going to dig into examining changes to Click Volume. There are several reasons that your clicks change when comparing two time frames. The most common is that your overall impressions changed. If your impressions go up or down, then in most cases, you will […]

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