We just launched several features that allow you to analyze your bid adjustments, get new adjustment suggestions, and dig into your adjustment data to understand how the adjustments affect your data.
Here’s a quick overview of the new features and videos to help you understand what is possible.
Bid Adjustment Map:
The bid adjustment map shows you all the bid adjustments a campaign is using, along with any adjustments that are being ignored or changing your CPA and not your CPCs.
Suggested Bid Adjustment Tool
The bid adjustment tools let you see suggested bid adjustments based upon your inputs and your data. It is flexible enough to work in a wide range of scenarios. Once you are happy with the suggestions, it’s easy to apply them to multiple campaigns at once.
Device, Location, and Demographic Adjustments
For your various devices, locations, age, gender, and parental status, there are several things you can do.
Hourly Performance & Ad Schedules
With the Ad Scheduling data, you can edit adjustments and see the last change as with the other tools. One of our new favorites is to set ad schedules across multiple campaigns at once. It’s also easy to remove multiple ad schedules. Managing ad schedules should now be super easy.
If you need more data, you can run heatmaps of time of day and day of the week intersection by metrics or just compare days (or weekends and weekdays) against each other (updated in December 2020: now the Hourly Performance heatmap is part of an Account Performance section. Please see the details here).
For example, this data shows that the weekday vs weekend conversions occur at different times, and thus you should have a weekday and a weekend ad schedule that use different bid adjustments from each other.
You can also view the data in a heatmap, and based upon the information you’re seeing, create ad schedules across your campaigns.
The Videos
This video playlist will walk you through the new tools and features.
We hope you enjoy all the new features 🙂
Awesome work Brad & team! Keep it up!