The Good and the Bad about Losing Average Position

March 19, 2019 Brad General, Google ads insights

Google Ads is sunsetting average position in September. After that date, you will no longer be able to access this metric for your current or older data. In this column, we’ll look at why they are making this change, the good, the bad, and what you might need to do prepare for this change. Why […]

5 Common Pieces of Misinformation about Google Ads & Their Corrections

March 12, 2019 Brad General

Google Ads is so complicated that it often leads to incorrect assumptions as to how certain things work. When one authority site writes about one of these features incorrectly, it is often considered true and the misinformation quickly spreads and many marketers end up with poor information. In today’s column, we’re going to look at […]

How to Use Your Auction Insights Data to Differentiate Your Ads

March 5, 2019 Brad General, Google ads insights

There’s a lot of places where you can find inspiration on ad ideas to test. Before you create ad tests, it’s a good idea to understand your overall positioning in the auction and how you need to differentiate yourself from the competition. It’s also worth noting that in many auctions, you will be competition for […]

Most Common Google Ads Mistakes Made by the Pros

February 26, 2019 Brad General

Everyone makes mistakes. For new accounts, it’s usually missing conversion tracking, not using negatives, using excessive broad match, and so forth. The pros know what they are doing; so their mistakes are generally those of a poor UI, engineered organization, and overlooking the obvious. 1. Keyword Conflicts Keyword conflicts occur when you have a negative […]

How to Craft a Compelling Call To Action (CTA)

February 18, 2019 Brad Ad testing, General

A call to action is an ad component that tells a user what you want them to do. Adding a call to action can often increase conversion rates and decrease CTR. The reason it increases conversion rates is you are telling a user what to do. Therefore, these ads are often clicked on by users […]

How Do Responsive Search Ads (RSAs) compare to Expanded Text Ads (ETAs)?

February 12, 2019 Brad Ad testing, General

Responsive Search Ads allow you to create multiple headlines and descriptions and then let Google do all the optimization work for you. When the ad format first launched, we had high hopes that RSAs would allow us to get lots of stats for ad testing, easily find top combinations, and then create ETAs that were […]

"Owerview" tab in new Google Ads interface

The Top 13 Google Ads Changes of 2018

December 11, 2018 Brad General

2018 brought many changes to Google Ads. Some of these changes are continuing changes due to consumer trends and others are brand new features. Of course, like every year, we say Goodbye to a few friends, and Google Ads wasn’t any different as it sunsetted two much beloved products and features. Without further ado, let’s […]

Google Ads filter by match type with chosen Exact Match (close variant)

Exact match is no longer exact match – are you managing the changes correctly?

Exact match is no longer exact match – are you managing the changes correctly? Once upon a time, when you used exact match, you knew exactly what search terms would trigger your ads. Then Google made a slight change that made it so your exact match terms could show for plurals, misspellings, and different word […]

Ads performance comparison table thumbnail

Why Google Ads ‘Optimize’ Ad Serving Often Fails to Show Your Best Ad

September 18, 2018 Brad Ad testing, Google ads insights, PPC management

There’s often a great debate over ad rotation. Should you use Google’s highly recommended Optimize or the ad tester’s preferred method Do Not Optimize? We took a look at just a few ad groups for one of our advertisers to show them why ‘optimize’ is not working for them; and we’d like to share a […]

UK Biddable Media Awards 18 Winner

The Best Ad Testing Metrics to Use for Your Google Ads & Bing Ads Accounts

September 11, 2018 Brad Ad testing, Google ads insights, PPC management

Ad testing is an essential part of managing your PPC account. To properly test ads, you must also be choosing winners and losers based upon metrics that further your overall account goals. Unfortunately, CTR (click through rate), conversion rate, and even CPA are too often used in choosing winners and losers when they are rarely […]

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